Using Application of Excel Spreadsheet

Using Application of Excel Spreadsheet Module is part of our Digital Literacy Program for Beginners.

Date: 01 January, 1970
Time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Venue: YouTube
Fees: Rs. 0


Using Application of Excel Spreadsheet



Using Application of Excel Spreadsheet Module is part of our Digital Literacy Program for Beginners. Total 10 classes are organized under Digital Literacy Program and Using Application of Excel Spreadsheet is included in day 4 of this program.


If you have interest in only this Using Application of Excel Spreadsheet Module and don’t want to attend complete Digital Literacy Program then you may register for this module only.


Contents of this Excel Spreadsheet Module:


  1. Introduction of Excel Spreadsheet
  2. Spreadsheet Software
  3. Microsoft Excel
  4. History of Excel
  5. Use of Excel
  6. Use of Excel Spreadsheet
  7. Excel Interface
  8. Worksheet
  9. Workbook
  10. Data Entry
  11. Data Formatting
  12. Format Painter
  13. Conditional Formatting
  14. Formula Setup
  15. Sum Formula
  16. Max/Min Formula
  17. Formula Bar Setup
  18. Quick Alternative Software

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01 January, 1970

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM



Certificate Not Included

Rs. 0